Thursday, July 8, 2010

Grand Tetons & Yellowstone National Park

This is the first wireless services we have had in days. We just experienced four days of awesome views and geological pheonomna seeing the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. Even though, this was our second or third visit to Yellowstone, the sights are never disappointing. Bison grazing near our motorhome and crossing the river early in the morning, Elk standing along the roadway, deer, etc. etc. Unfortunately we did not see any bear. We were blessed with the eruption of the Old Faithful Geyer, seeing many boiling mud pots and learning that the magma in this area is only about 2 to 3 miles below ground level! Yellowstone is one of the hot spot volcanos in the world and experiences approximately 2000 earthquakes a year.

While in Yellowstone, we seemed to have escaped the hot temperatures experienced by many of our family and friends. Yellowstone's elevation is somewhere around 9000 feet, so when we awakened in the morning, our RV's interior temperature was 41 degrees! Brrrr! One night, we had snow showers! In July!!!! We managed to get in a bike ride while at Yellowstone and also took a boat cruise with a ranger talking about the history, facts and points of interest of Yellowstone Lake.

Tonight we are camped out in Dubois, Wyoming where we have traded our long pants and warm shirts for shorts, T-shirts and sandals. We continue to head eastward where we will meet up with Lynn's brother and sister-in-law and other RV friends in Iowa for a RV Rally.

I am still trying to figure out how to upload some photos on this blog.

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