Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friends and family....

This is our first attempt at a blog, so bear with us.

Finally on June 25, we are once again on the road, enjoying the peace, tranquility, and beauty of another RV trip. Our first stop was in Grass Valley, CA for minor repairs on our new 25' motorhome. Following Grass Valley, we stopped in Carson City, NV to visit our friend Doris, who treated us to a delightful BBQ and introduced us to homemade watermelon margaritas --- YUMMY!

Next stop was to camp out at Washoe Valley State Park in Nevada where we were joined by Lynn's brother and sister-in-law in their RV. Joining them was Amber, her fiance, John and the guest of honor, little Aubrey, the birthday girl. Helping to celebrate Aubrey's 3rd birthday was also Debbie, Edith and Phil. In 90+ degrees, we celebrated Aubrey's 3rd birthday, balloons, decorations, BBQ, cupcakes, ice cream. Once a little bicycle was produced, Aubrey was 100% focused on the cute pink bike.

Our last stop before our big departure was in Reno, NV to visit with family and do last minute shopping that we didn't have time to do at home before we left!

Since leaving Reno, we traveled the width of Nevada, our only 500 mile day and overnighted in West Wendover before traveling to Salt Lake City, Utah. We stayed at a lovely, all grass, no gravel campground in Farmington, near SLC. On this trip in Utah we saw Promontory Point, the location of the first Continental railroad site, where the eastern railroad met the western railroad. The trains from the 1800's were elegantly maintained. From there we proceeded to Devil's Slide and in the evening we camped at Starvation Lake State Campground at Deuschune, Utah.

One of the most interesting sites was the National Dinasaur Park in the area of Vernal, Utah. We saw bones, vertabre, femur, still frozen in rock of mammoths that died 150 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. We are now headed toward the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming by way of Flaming Gorge in northern Utah.

We look forward to meeting up with Rod, Pam and their friends, Steve & Suzanne at the Winnebago National Ralley in northern Iowa in mid-July, where they expect 1500 RV's. Holy Smokes! July 3, 2010.


  1. So impressive to know authors like the Darsts...

    Sounds great...hope you're having fun.

    Jeff and Sharon

  2. I'm so glad that you are both free to travel like you want to enjoy! Carol and Joe

  3. driving home last night from Poway, CA, my 91+ year old mother commented that there doesn't seem to be as many motorhomes out on the road these days. My sister's reply was "well, you really haven't been out on the road too much lately, Mom!" I couldn't help but think of Ron and Lynne "out there" and the 1500 motorhome rally they would be participating in this summer! I didn't go into it with my mother because I would have had to repeat it 3 or 4 times explaining to her and repeating it because she can't hear very well and I was just to tired to even try to begin. Do I have to get old too?!? Don't answer that! Happy Trails R&L, Backpackers on 4 wheels! or is it six wheels?

  4. Hi Lynn & Ron... it'll be fun checking in to see what's new via your blog. Hope you have wonderful adventures and experiences... Thanks for sharing.
