Friday, August 13, 2010


Had a wonderful time in Florida visiting with family and friends. First stop was in Ormond Beach visiting with the parents of my good friend, Sharon. Our visit was short, but delightful and both Ron and I are still full from those large BBQ steaks! Oh so yummy!

Next stop was in Lakeland Florida where we hooked up overnight at Dave's (Ron's brother) house and where we experienced a beautiful thunder/shower storm. The following morning we met Julie for breakfast. Lynn worked with Julie at the Horizon Club in Florida 17 years ago. Holy cow, where does the time go?!

Next was traveling to New Port Richey on the west coast of Florida to visit with Moya (Ron's sister) and Steve and Denise (Moya's son and daughter-in-law). One night we invited all to our RV for a dinner cooked in the RV! We had 8 people in the RV and served Walking Tacos. If you are interested in what a Walking Taco is, e-mail me and I will let you know. It was a great hit!

A remarkable comment about our Florida visit: Holy Toledo was it HUMID! HUMID! HUMID! We are not use to it!

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